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Instructor Guide to CUE Library Services & Resources

Librarians can provide support for researchers in a number of ways. The services listed below are subject to individual librarian availability and workload. Please contact your liaison librarian for more information.

  1. Librarians offer search strategy consultations and searching support
  2. Workload permitting, librarians may join a research team and/or project

Librarians as a co-author/team member

The following information outlines the services librarians may provide, which require co-author recognition.

  1. Meet with the team to refine the research question
  2. Develop and structure the search
  3. Translate the search for each database
  4. Execute the search in all databases
  5. Export the records
  6. Write the Search Methods section of the paper and prepare the Search Appendix for publication, describing all of the searches
  7. Review the final paper for publication and answer follow-up questions about the search

For more information on research services, contact your liaison librarian.