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Instructor Guide to CUE Library Services & Resources

What Can You Request Through Interlibrary Loan?

  1. Articles that CUE Library does not have full-text access to
  2. Single chapters of ebook chapters that CUE Library does not have full-text access to
  3. Books that do not belong to NEOS member libraries
    • e.g. University of Calgary, University of Lethbridge...

Check CUE Holdings First

Check our catalogue to ensure that the article or ebook chapter is not available at CUE or, if requesting a book, that the book is from outside the NEOS library system. 

If you're unsure whether or not an item can be requested through interlibrary loan, please contact us at

Requesting Articles Through Interlibrary Loan

The video below demonstrates how to place an interlibrary loan for articles, using a CUE library database.

This method will auto-fill the interlibrary loan form with information about your article.

Using a Blank Interlibrary Loan Form

A blank form is also available for you to create a request from scratch. Our staff is happy to assist you.

This method is most useful when requesting book chapters and non-NEOS materials. 

  1. Visit our Interlibrary Loan Request webpage
  2. Click "Place an Interlibrary Loan Request"
  3. Log in using your library barcode & PIN
  4. Select the resource type you need on the left side of your screen
    • (article, book/media, book chapter, conference, or thesis)
  5. Fill in the form with as much information as you can find
  6. Select a "cancel if not received by" date, please choose a date at least one week in the future.
  7. Read and agree to the disclaimers 
  8. Click submit