Video Tutorials - Posted to the CUE Library Vimeo channel, scroll through and watch the ones you need right now.
Education - Library Orientation Module - An overview for Education students about using CUE Library.
Looking for scholarly articles? Watch the video Searching Education Research Complete and consult these handouts:
1) Watch the Searching Education Research Complete to learn how to search a library database.
2) Watch Requesting Articles through Interlibrary Loan to learn how to order a copy if CUE Library does not have the full text.
3) Search a database that is focused on research in education, here are 2 suggestions:
Full-text access to journals covering all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education.
ERIC is a comprehensive education database, containing records for scholarly journal articles, professional reports, conference papers, books, dissertations, and theses.
1) Search the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education to learn more about your topic, get information about recent research, and gather more precise search terms to use in the databases..
A substantive, peer-reviewed and regularly updated reference resource in education.
2) Boost your searching skills
3) Search more databases
These are listed in the Education Databases section.
4) Get support
CUE Library Databases with Education related content.
It contains more than 2 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, technical reports and dissertations, dating as far back as the 1800s.
Access to peer-reviewed journals published by Taylor & Francis in the social sciences and humanities.
Access to scholarly, full-text journal articles from a multitude of disciplines.
Access to peer-reviewed journal articles in the fields of sports and sports medicine.
Canadian Newsstream provides full-text access to over 400 Canadian news sources. This database also includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers.
Need a different database than the ones suggested here? Choose from:
1. Ensure that you are logged in to your CUE Google account.
2. Go to
3. Expand the 3 bar menu icon in the top left corner and click on "Settings"
4. Click on "Library links"
5. In the search box "Show library access links for" type "Concordia University of Edmonton" and press the Enter key.
6. Check the box beside both of these results:
7. Click "Save"
Once this is done, links to CUE Library items will display on the right side of your search results, if CUE Library has holdings of those items. Be aware that:
You will need your CUE Library barcode and PIN to open the form and place your request.
Watch the video video below to learn how to place an interlibrary loan for items that CUE library does not have, such as
The video demonstrates how the database you are searching will auto-fill the form. However, a blank interlibrary loan form is available online if you want to start from scratch.
Please check to ensure that the item you are seeking is not held by CUE Library before placing your request. Our staff are happy to help.
Some ebook and database platforms require you to create a personal account before you can save, print, or download pages from ebooks
Once created, these accounts give you access to additional features.
Personal accounts are not automatically generated with your basic CUE Library account.
The next videos show you how to create personal accounts with EBSCO and ProQuest eBook Central.
As always, you can Ask Us! for help.