Boolean Searching - how to create more complex searches that indicate the relationships between your search terms using Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT.
Video tutorials from EBSCO (the database company)
Where do I find the articles I need for this assignment?
Your instructor may require peer reviewed articles from academic journals so make sure to check off the peer-reviewed box in the search options. Not sure what peer-review means? Watch the video Peer Review in 3 Minutes
Your assignment may require primary research articles. This means that the author is reporting on the methods and results of an experiment that they did, rather than analyzing experiments that someone else did. Articles like this typically have sections on the METHOD the researchers used and the RESULTS of their experiment. When choosing the articles for your assignment, read the abstract (summary) and the article itself to ensure that the author is sharing the results of their own experiment. Not sure what a primary research article is? Watch the video Types of Scholarly Articles
Databases collect scholarly sources, such as peer-reviewed articles, on specific academic topics, making it easier to find what you need. Also, most academic sources are published behind a paywall and require you to login with your CUE email address to avoid paying a fee. Using only the material you find in a Google search can result in very limited information that is not a good fit for your assignment. Watch the video What are Databases and Why Do You Need Them? to find out why you would use a database and what sort of sources they contain.
Using the keywords you gathered in Step 1, search one or more of CUE Library's Education databases
Full-text access to journals covering all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education.
ERIC is a comprehensive education database, containing records for scholarly journal articles, professional reports, conference papers, books, dissertations, and theses.
Resources from Historical Abstracts and Science Online can now be found in Academic Search Ultimate.
A scholarly, multidisciplinary database providing indexing and abstracts for over 10,000 publications, including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, and others. This Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library resource is paid for in part by the Government of Alberta.
Access to peer-reviewed journal articles in the fields of sports and sports medicine.
CUE Library Databases with Education related content.
It contains more than 2 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, technical reports and dissertations, dating as far back as the 1800s.
Access to peer-reviewed journals published by Taylor & Francis in the social sciences and humanities.
Access to scholarly, full-text journal articles from a multitude of disciplines.
Access to peer-reviewed journal articles in the fields of sports and sports medicine.
Canadian Newsstream provides full-text access to over 400 Canadian news sources. This database also includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers.
Need a different database than the ones suggested here? Choose from: