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Zotero: Getting Started

Adding items to the Zotero library

1. When you have found a record you would like to save in Zotero, click the extension in the top right of  your browser bar and choose Zotero.

Screenshot of an ebsco database search with the article record "Nature and Its Discontents" displayed.





Screenshot of the Zotero extension shaped like a puzzle piece. The Zotero Connector option is highlighted in the extension drop down menu.

2. A window will pop up allowing you to choose where you would like to save the record in Zotero.

Screenshot of the pop up window that displays "Saving to My Library" at the top, with the title of the article "Nature and Its Discontents" at the bottom.

3. In Zotero, the record will list the article's citation information, including the title, abstract, and URL to the record, so you can review it later.

Screenshot of the Zotero Library. The article record is listed in the middle column, and the detailed record information is listed on the right.

1. If an EBSCO article record has a full text PDF available, the full text will automatically save with the database record.

2. Click the extension in the top right of your browser bar and choose Zotero.

Screenshot of the Zotero extension shaped like a puzzle piece. The Zotero Connector option is highlighted in the extension drop down menu.

3. A window will pop up allowing you to choose where you would like to save the record in Zotero.

Screenshot of the pop up window with the heading "Saving to My Library." The article title "Representing Wilderness Travel" is under the destination option, and the EBSCO Full Text pdf is listed under the title.

4. The pdf will save in Zotero with the article record.

5. Alternatively, you can drag and drop downloaded PDFs from other folders into Zotero.

Screenshot of a journal article in JSTOR. The download button is highlighted.

Screenshot of the download option in the article pdf in the top right hand corner.

Screenshot of the JSTOR downloaded article in Zotero.

1. To save a webpage, click the extension in the top right of your browser bar and choose Zotero.

Screenshot of the Zotero extension shaped like a puzzle piece. The Zotero Connector option is highlighted in the extension drop down menu.

2. Choose the location. For this example, we will choose "My Library."

Screenshot of the Zotero pop up window. Website is saving to My Library, and the title of the New York Times article "The Legal Intricacies That Could Make or Break the Case Against Trump" is shown under the Saving To option.

3. To view the webpage through Zotero, double click the file and it will open in the browser of your choice.

Screenshot of the New York Times article "The Legal Intricacies That Could Make or Break the Case Against Trump" opened through Zotero.