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Zotero: Getting Started


Once sources have been added to your Zotero library, use Zotero to create citations and reference pages in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

*Citation generators are useful tools, but they often have errors. Always review your citations using CUE library's Citation Guides.

In-text Citations and Reference Page Instructions

In-text citations in Microsoft Word

1. In the taskbar, choose the Zotero tab.

Screenshot of the highlighted Zotero tab, located beside the help tab.

2. Choose "Add/Edit Citation."

Screenshot of the selected Zotero tab. The Add/Edit Citation button is the first option in the bar.

3. Choose your citation style.

Screenshot of the Zotero Document Preferences pop up window. This example chooses MLA citation style.

4. A Zotero search bar will pop up. In the Zotero bar, search for the title or the author of the source you want to cite. Then click enter on your keyboard.

Screenshot of the red Zotero pop up search bar. Article titles shown in a drop down menu at the beginning of a search.

5. The in-text citation will generate where the cursor is in your paper.

Screenshot of the in-text citation (Grady) in the body of the word document.

Reference page in Microsoft Word

1. At the end of your paper, choose "Add/Edit Bibliography" in the Zotero tab

The Add/Edit bibliography button is highlighted in the Zotero tab, two options from the left.

2. Your reference list will load and it will update automatically when you add more citations to your paper using Zotero. *Citation generators are useful, but they often have errors. Always review your citations using the library's Citation Guides.

Screenshot of the generated works cited/reference page in a Word Document.

In-text citations in Google Docs

1. Click the Z icon in the toolbar. You may need to log in to your Zotero account and allow Zotero access to Google Docs.

Screenshot of the Google Doc taskbar. The Zotero symbol is highlighted.

2. Choose your citation style.

Screenshot of the Zotero document preferences pop up window, with MLA chosen in the example.

3. A Zotero search bar will pop up. In the Zotero bar, search for the title or author of the source you want to cite.

Screenshot of the red Zotero search bar, with article options in the drop down menu.

4. When you hit enter on your keyboard to choose the citation you want, the in-text citation will generate where your cursor is in your paper.

Screenshot of the generated citation (Grady) in the Google Document

Reference page in Google Docs

1. Place your cursor where you want your reference page to begin.

Screenshot of the empty works cited page in Google Docs.

2. In the taskbar, choose the Zotero tab.

Screenshot of the Zotero tab highlighted in the Google docs taskbar.

3. In the dropdown menu, choose "Add/Edit Bibliography."

Screenshot of the Add/Edit bibliography option in the Zotero dropdown menu, third down the list.

4. Your bibliography will load and will updated automatically as you add new citations to your paper. * Citation generators are useful, but they often have errors. Always review your citations using CUE Library's Citation Guides.

Screenshot of the generated works cited/reference page in Google Docs.