5. How does Ryan North and Erica Henderson’s Squirrel Girl intervene in popular narratives about heroism, particularly those narratives appearing in other Marvel Comics publications?
6. How does gender function in North and Henderson’s Squirrel Girl?
7. How does Squirrel Girl highlight the particular narrative features of superhero comics (shared continuity, canonicity, multiple decades of character appearances, multiple creators, etc)?
You will need to expand your search beyond the term "Squirrel Girl" and use multiple search tools. The suggestions below may not apply to ALL of the of the 3 Squirrel Girl topics. Use your judgement to select the strategies and sources that will fit with your specific topic. Remember to use the suggestions provided in the main section of Research Tips for this assignment.
Search the CUE Library catalogue and Library Databases with these search terms:
To find information on Marvel superheroes and Marvel heroism narratives:
Specific names of Marvel superheroes or Marvel superhero groups (e.g. Avengers) in the library catalogue and/or databases, here is an A-Z listing of Marvel superheroes: https://www.marvel.com/comics/characters
Suggested database - MLA International Bibliography:
“Squirrel Girl” - Limit to peer-reviewed Journals to ignore book reviews
DE "female superhero" AND Marvel (Many of these search results would have to be requested through interlibrary loan)
Superheroes AND Marvel
Suggested database - JSTOR:
Here are a few academic articles about Squirrel Girl to get you started. Many of them are not owned by CUE Library and must be ordered from other libraries. Watch the video Requesting Articles through Interlibrary Loan to learn how. You will need your CUE Library barcode and PIN to place a request.
Goodrum, M. “'Powers of a Squirrel, and Also a Girl': Squirrel Girl and Alternatives for Women in Superhero Comic-Books—an Interview with Ryan North." Studies in Comics, vol. 7, no. 1, 2016, pp. 161–167. (This article would need to be requested through Interlibrary Loan)
Roman, Z., & Lizardi, R. “'If She Be Worthy': The Illusion of Change in American Superhero Comics." Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, vol. 2, no. 1, 2018, pp. 18–37. (This article would need to be requested through Interlibrary Loan)
Goodrum, M. “'Oh C’mon, Those Stories Can’t Count in Continuity!': Squirrel Girl and the Problem of Female Power." Studies in Comics, vol. 5, no. 1, 2014, pp. 97–115. (Freely available online - look for the download article button)
Non-scholarly Sources: